Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) + Cheatsheet

When it comes to securing your Linux server or system, one of the most important tools at your disposal is a firewall. A firewall controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules. UFW, short for Uncomplicated Firewall, is a simple and easy-to-use interface to manage iptables, making it an excellent option for beginners and even experienced system administrators who need something quick and functional.

What is UFW?

UFW is the default firewall configuration tool for Ubuntu and many other Debian-based Linux distributions. The primary goal of UFW is to make managing a firewall straightforward while providing enough features for complex use cases. Under the hood, UFW manages iptables, the more powerful and flexible (but also more complex) firewall solution in Linux.

With UFW, you can set up a firewall with just a few commands without needing deep knowledge of network security concepts.

Why Use UFW?

  1. User-Friendly: UFW simplifies the process of setting up firewall rules. You don’t need to have prior knowledge of iptables to use it.
  2. Pre-installed on Ubuntu: UFW is installed by default in Ubuntu and many other Debian-based distros.
  3. Quick Setup: You can configure your firewall in a few simple commands, perfect for those who want basic functionality with minimal fuss.
  4. IPv6 Compatible: UFW supports both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic, making it future-proof.
  5. Log Management: UFW also offers easy-to-read log outputs, simplifying troubleshooting.

Installing UFW

In most cases, UFW comes pre-installed on your Ubuntu system. If it isn’t installed on your system, you can install it using the following command:

sudo apt install ufw

Enabling UFW

To enable UFW, run:

sudo ufw enable

This will activate the firewall with the default rules, which typically allow all outgoing connections and deny all incoming ones, except SSH.

Basic Commands for UFW

Here are some essential UFW commands you’ll use when configuring your firewall:

  • Enable UFW: sudo ufw enable
  • Disable UFW: sudo ufw disable
  • Check UFW Status: sudo ufw status
  • Verbose Status: sudo ufw status verbose

Allow and Deny Rules

UFW allows you to set rules for specific ports or services. For example, if you want to allow traffic on port 22 (SSH), you can use the following command:

sudo ufw allow 22

Alternatively, you can specify the service name if it is known by UFW:

sudo ufw allow ssh

To deny traffic on a specific port:

sudo ufw deny 80

Common Allow and Deny Commands:

  • Allow HTTP: sudo ufw allow http or sudo ufw allow 80
  • Allow HTTPS: sudo ufw allow https or sudo ufw allow 443
  • Allow a range of ports: sudo ufw allow 1000:2000/tcp
  • Allow IP-specific access: sudo ufw allow from
  • Deny All Traffic: sudo ufw default deny incoming

Removing Rules

If you need to remove a rule that you’ve added, the syntax is as follows:

sudo ufw delete allow ssh

Or by port:

sudo ufw delete allow 22

Advanced UFW Rules

  • Allow Specific IP Address: If you want to allow traffic from a specific IP address to a specific port, use the following format:
sudo ufw allow from to any port 22
  • Allow Traffic on a Specific Interface: To allow traffic on a specific network interface (e.g., eth0), use this command:
sudo ufw allow in on eth0 to any port 80
  • Deny Specific IP Address:
sudo ufw deny from

Resetting UFW

If you need to reset UFW to its default settings, use:

sudo ufw reset

This will disable UFW and delete all the rules that have been set.

UFW Logging

UFW also provides logging options to help you monitor and troubleshoot. To enable logging, run:

sudo ufw logging on

To disable it:

sudo ufw logging off

You can also set the verbosity level:

sudo ufw logging high

UFW Cheat Sheet

Here’s a quick cheatsheet with some of the most commonly used UFW commands:

sudo ufw enableEnable the firewall
sudo ufw disableDisable the firewall
sudo ufw statusCheck firewall status
sudo ufw status verboseGet detailed status information
sudo ufw allow 80/tcpAllow HTTP traffic (port 80)
sudo ufw allow 443/tcpAllow HTTPS traffic (port 443)
sudo ufw allow sshAllow SSH (default port 22)
sudo ufw deny 8080/tcpDeny traffic on port 8080
sudo ufw allow from traffic from a specific IP
sudo ufw delete allow sshRemove the SSH rule
sudo ufw default deny incomingSet default to deny all incoming traffic
sudo ufw default allow outgoingAllow all outgoing traffic by default
sudo ufw logging onTurn on logging
sudo ufw logging offTurn off logging
sudo ufw resetReset to default settings
sudo ufw reloadReload UFW configuration


UFW is a straightforward yet powerful tool for configuring a firewall on your Linux machine. Whether you’re managing a personal server or a production environment, using UFW can help you ensure that only authorized traffic reaches your machine. With its simplicity and the variety of rules you can create, it’s a great tool to master for network security.

Feel free to explore more advanced configurations as you become comfortable with the basics. Stay secure!

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